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12/17/2014 – Good Sam Extended Service Plan
The approaching holidays are sure to bring smiles, laughter and the opportunity to make lasting memories. But for RVers, the holidays can also present challenges as they deal with limited space for gifts (and gift-wrapping), a small kitchen for preparing an oversized potluck dish or entire meal and perhaps wishing they could make it to every family gathering.
Don't worry. Early planning and preparation – plus a little creativity – can help RVers enjoy stress-free holidays.
When it comes to the gifts that go along with Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, the best ones really do come in small packages. Make the most of your storage space by choosing compact presents – iPads, Kindles and other tech goodies are the perfect size and you can never go wrong with a gift card to your loved one's favorite store. Or consider shopping online and having your gifts shipped directly to the recipient. Most online stores give you the option to add gift-wrapping or include a personalized note. For you RVers who prefer to see exactly what you're buying, purchase your gifts in the store, and then head straight to nearest UPS location.
Some people take gift-wrapping to a whole new level, using not just fancy paper, but ribbons, bows, glitter and the occasional ornament. For RVers, however, storing boxes of gift-giving supplies just isn't practical. Luckily, free gift-wrapping stands pop up often during the holiday season and not just at shopping malls. Many stores now open their doors to nonprofit groups who set up tables and wrap gifts for free, even those not purchased at the store. Donations from shoppers support these groups' community efforts.
Now it's on to the meal. Preparing a full-fledged dinner in your RV isn't impossible; you just have to think outside the kitchen. A Weber Q gas grill (available at Camping World) is perfect for cooking that juicy ham, while Dutch ovens are ideal for cooking everything from casseroles to pumpkin pie. If you're celebrating in the campground with fellow RVers, consider a potluck to lessen the cooking burden for everyone.
If you're on the road and unable to wish all your friends and family "Happy Holidays" in person, let them share your travel experiences by posting photos and/or videos on Facebook. Or use Skype or FaceTime to make video calls to anywhere in the world.
With these ideas, you can make spending the holidays in your RV as wonderful as those spent in someone's permanent home.
Preparing for the Holidays in your RV. 15 December 2012. Web. 10 December 2014